Living Like its Always Summer

Here in Texas, we have a few more weeks of summer weather left.  We spent months retreating away from the sweltering temperatures, running out of ways to keep the kids occupied. The idea of a more structured schedule might be sounding pretty good to some of us. But before we get too carried away in lesson planning and packing our schedules tight with work and activity, let’s reflect back on what makes summer so great, and how we can retain some of that summer magic in this next season of homeschooling.
It’s easier to be spontaneous when the weather is always warm and clear. We go meet friends for an after-dinner ice cream date, or for a front yard water balloon fight after the sun goes down. The nights are getting cooler. How about extending a last-minute invite to friends for a bonfire or flashlight tag?
Hang a hammock inside; it makes a great reading nook. Find your ceiling joists, drill a hole, and tighten the hooks in using a screwdriver through the hole as leverage.
Focused Family Time
We hang out at the lake, pack picnics, and enjoy free outdoor concerts and movies, spending time on a blanket under the stars. Citywide events slow down in September, and there are no major cultural holidays, but you can always start your own traditions. Learn more about feasts and festivals outside of the American calendar to see if anything resonates with your family.
Once school starts, rates drop for hotels and resorts. Our favorite time to go on a cruise is the first week of December when rates are rock bottom. Book during the fall specials to get the best prices.
Local attractions will be less busy, and the weather is much more pleasant. Find a place nearby that your family has never explored before, and make a new memory. Visit your city’s art, science, and natural history museums; theme parks; historical sites; quirky landmarks; and state parks.
Fun Treats
Kids get to enjoy frozen treats and juicy fruits during summer time, and then fall comes around and suddenly it’s all warm soups and stews. Try a new homemade ice cream or juice pop recipe.
Card and board games aren’t just for Grandma’s lake cottage–they’re a great way to practice skills like critical thinking and math.
Hobbies and Interests
The long days of summer offer plenty of time to explore things we are excited about. Be sure to leave some breathing room in the fall for tinkering, researching, and creating.
Day Camps
The long blocks of time intensely focused on one subject get you closer to mastery, and it’s a great idea for the rest of the year, too. Spend a week absorbed in a subject, stocked with books from the library and links to online videos.


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