Yesterday was my birthday

I turned 33. Birthdays are a big deal to me; they always have been. Not just my own, but others as well. I usually have a big party, but because of the living room remodel and my chronic migraines, we haven't felt up to it. I had a fun night out with some friends instead, wearing the new dress and shoes my mom gave me. I spent a little money on a straw fedora and necklace from Charming Charlies, and some small decor from Kirkland's. Our waitress was really nice, and brought me my free dessert (of course I found a coupon) with a lit birthday candle. I'm excited about the art supplies that I received too; I'm going to use them soon.

I'm supposed to be writing my July submission, but I have a major block, or I'm too distracted, or too interrupted. I prefer not to write when people are walking around me asking me questions, but that's all the time and I never escape it. My five year old has been chattering in my left ear this entire time.

The above photo is my potted chamomile, and the other is the cacti my husband gave me for mother's day. I've gotten really fond of container gardening. I grew rosemary, chamomile, strawberries, and spinach. We've been eating off of the 3 pots of spinach over the spring, but now it is going to flower.

My camera's autofocus wasn't working right. I sat down to read my d90 book, and wouldn't you know, I learned how to fix it. (Should have done it a long time ago, but I give up in frustration sometimes.) I like taking photos of inanimate objects or nature, because they don't have insecurities about their appearance, and there's less post-processing. I used these straight out of camera.


  1. Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 33 club. Also, yes, still interested in working on branding but I'm getting burned out and might take a break the rest of the summer. I plan on getting full swing into it when the kids go back to school and will work with you then. :-D


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