Journal Prompts for Crafting a Learning Plan

So, if you have read my various writing about homeschooling or you know me in person, you know that I have tried many methods and resources for teaching my kids. It always comes back to simplicity, and making sure that I am mentoring my children and facilitating their growth in the areas that they are strong in, as well as challenging their weaknesses.
I no longer ascribe to methods or philosophy. Instead, I do what I feel like needs to be done in whatever season we are in as I am led by the Lord. Most of the time, this is relaxed, project-based homeschooling, but I do use workbooks as we need to. Journaling helps me craft an overall vision for this. I thought I would share some of the questions I ask myself and try to record in my journal.
Printable Journaling Prompts
For the journal itself, I prefer about a 6 X 8 size, because it fits in my sling bag. I like to be able to take it everywhere I go, so I can record things as I need to. Binders and spirals have never worked for me for this reason.
Hope my PDF helps you think of ways to know your children better, so you can lead them more effectively!
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